CCF is a farmer owned co-operative trading across Wales and the borders, providing a complete range of farming and country dweller products.

We have eighteen retail stores located across Wales and our own feed blending plant near Cardigan. Our head office is located at Clynderwen, Pembrokeshire.



CCF provides technical information and advice to our customers, to ensure you make the best buying decision when purchasing products. We have animal and crop health and nutrition specialists who provide advice and recommend products most suitable for your requirements.

As a co-operative we intend to fulfil our role as a farmer-owned business committed to being the natural choice for our stakeholders.

The Clynderwen & District Farmers Association originated in the countryside stretching along the Preseli foothills to the Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen border. Ben John, a young agriculturalist, attracted a small band of fellow enthusiasts who, in this district, were to ‘blaze the trail’ of agricultural co-operation. A branch of the Co-operative Movement was born in Clynderwen.

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Looking for the latest tips and insights on rearing lambs? Next Thursday at 8pm Shine Ewe-Reka are hosting a lambing webinar packed with key insights and practical tips for success. Leading sheep farmer Will Roobottom from Cowley Hill Farm will be heading up the discussion and giving advice that you can action on farm today.
Sign up today at
Edrych am y cyngor a gwybodaeth ar fagu wyn? Nos Iau nesaf am 8yh bydd Shine Ewe-reka yn cynnal gwebinar llawn-dop sy’n cynnwys y wybodaeth diweddaraf ac argymhellion ymarferol ar gyfer llwyddiant. Bydd y ffermwr blaenllaw Will Roobottom o Cowley Hill Farm yn arwain y drafodaeth ac yn rhoi cyngor gallwch chi ei ddefnyddio ar eich fferm heddiw.
Cofrestrwch heddiw ar
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Looking for the latest tips and insights on rearing lambs? Next Thursday at 8pm Shine Ewe-Reka are hosting a lambing webinar packed with key insights and practical tips for success. Leading sheep farmer Will Roobottom from Cowley Hill Farm will be heading up the discussion and giving advice that you can action on farm today.
Sign up today at
Edrych am y cyngor a gwybodaeth ar fagu wyn? Nos Iau nesaf am 8yh bydd Shine Ewe-reka yn cynnal gwebinar llawn-dop sy’n cynnwys y wybodaeth diweddaraf ac argymhellion ymarferol ar gyfer llwyddiant. Bydd y ffermwr blaenllaw Will Roobottom o Cowley Hill Farm yn arwain y drafodaeth ac yn rhoi cyngor gallwch chi ei ddefnyddio ar eich fferm heddiw.
Cofrestrwch heddiw ar

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David Povey

February & March Offer - £2 off D&H Safe & Sound and Cushcare Condition. While stocks last.
Cynnig arbennig - £2 i ffwrdd o D&H. Stoc cyfyngedig ar gael.
#ccf #dodsonandhorrell #horsefeed
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February & March Offer - £2 off D&H Safe & Sound and Cushcare Condition. While stocks last.
Cynnig arbennig  - £2 i ffwrdd o D&H. Stoc cyfyngedig ar gael.
#ccf  #dodsonandhorrell  #horsefeedImage attachment
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